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HOPES Community Action Partnership, Incorporated 
Adult Education and Financial Literacy

Eligibility requirements vary depending on the specific benefit program. When meeting with HOPES staff, please bring proof of income for the most recent 4 weeks of work, such as pay stubs or a notarized letter from your employer. 

Financial Literacy

Building Skills:

  • Tools to build assets

  • Money management skills

  • Strong financial future


  • Workshops

  • Potential topics goal setting, home ownership, vehicle purchases, college tuition

  • One-on-one financial counseling sessions

“HOPES has empowered me through their free computer classes and upon completion of each class a certificate which makes me feel like I really accomplished something. Not only do I have knowledge of computers but now I know Microsoft Excel, PowerPoint, Publisher, & Word. Not only that, HOPES helped me to find a JOB. With the help of HOPES & my instructor I really, really accomplished something."


Adult Education
  • Classes usually run for 1 day a week, anywhere from 3-4 hours

  • Class sessions run for 10 weeks

  • Classes are only held in Hoboken at 301 Garden Street



  • English as a Second Language (ESL) –

Students will increase their speaking, reading, and recognition of the English language

  • Computer Classes (Beginners and Advanced)–

Students will use Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Publisher 

  • Creative Wellness –

Students will create art, painting, or 3D mixed media (using everyday objects to create art), as a method to foster wellness in mind, body, and soul 

  • Senior Physical Fitness 

Students will practice chair yoga or other balance and coordination activities


Check out our calendar to see upcoming classes

Classes are free for income-eligible individuals. To provide services to all who seek to improve the quality of their life and professional skills, there is a fee option for ineligible individuals to participate in classes.   

One-day workshops are offered occasionally.

Previous topics included:

  • Physical Health and Nutrition

  • Emotional Wellness

  • Financial Literacy and Budgeting Assistance

Funded by Community Services Block Grant (CSBG)


  • HOPES offers free use of our computer labs for educational and professional development

  • Individuals can use these computers to edit their resumes, and look for jobs online

  • Engage in other professional and educational uses

  • In order to utilize this resource, you will need to provide current proof of income for 4-weeks (pay-stubs, notarized letter)

  • Proof of income is used for allocating our grants


Location and Times*:

  • Rue Building, 301 Garden St., 1:00 – 4:30 PM

  • Family Resource Center, 532 Jackson St., 9:30 AM – 4:30 PM


* Labs are periodically closed for staff training.


Translation and notary services are also available free of charge, depending on availability of staff persons. 

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HOPES Community Action Partnership, Incorporated (HOPES CAP, Inc.)

Serving Hudson, Union, and Somerset Counties, New Jersey

1-855-OK-HOPES (1-855-654-6737) 

If viewing on a cell phone, click the number to call.

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This website is funded by the following grants: Grant #02CH012156 from the Office of Head Start and Grant #2025-05235-0056-00 from the Office of Community Services, both part of the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. It is also supported by Grant #CH-010297-HDS from the Food and Nutrition Service within the U.S. Department of Agriculture; Grant #ROSS221747-01-00 from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development; and Grant #25VITA0100 from the Internal Revenue Service within the U.S. Department of the Treasury.


Neither the Administration for Children and Families, the Department of Agriculture, the Department of Housing and Urban Development, nor the Department of the Treasury (nor any of the divisions of the federal agencies) operate, control, or endorse this website, including without limitation, the website's content, technical infrastructure, policies, and any services or tools it provides. The views, opinions, findings, conclusions, and recommendations expressed on this website are solely those of HOPES CAP, Inc. and do not necessarily reflect those of the above-mentioned federal agencies.

Copyright © 2025-2026 HOPES CAP, Inc. All rights reserved.​

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