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Summer Program

The Preschool Summer Enrichment Program in Hoboken and Plainfield provides children with theme-based learning. Teachers combine both character education and summer fun!


  • Tools of the Mind & High Scope Curriculum.

  • Children’s literacy.

  • Hands-on developmentally appropriate math, science, technology & art activities.

  • Practice social skills, self-regulation & problem-solving strategies.

  • fun, and sprinkler time.


Dates for Summer:

The program starts at the end of June, see Calendar for the latest information


NoteDates are subject to change based on the Hoboken Public School calendar, the Plainfield Public School calendar, the Somerset Public School Calendar, and the maintenance needs of the building.



As with Before and After School, parents might be eligible for a voucher to cover most or all the costs of this program. Learn more about enrollment, eligibility, and costs on our FAQs page

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HOPES Community Action Partnership, Incorporated (HOPES CAP, Inc.)

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